Friday, March 23, 2012

Fun Week with Mom

Greyson's school was off on spring break this week and that meant he came to work with me for the first part of the week then Thursday he had a dentist appointment and was off with me and Friday (today) he is with Dad at his work.  Not the spring break I'm sure that he would have hoped for but he did received a nice present from a coworker of mine.  Her kids had out grown it and they are moving anyway so she asked if we wanted it.  A big trampoline for the back yard!!! He is in love with it!  Yesterday in the car when we were going to work he said,

pronunciation help for this next part : if you want to know exactly how it sounded (leave off the L's in everything he's still not saying those well) and trampoline is the same so it sounds like "tramp -A-eene"

GDY: I love (yuv) myself, I love Reese , I love Kitty, I love Mommy and Daddy and I love the Tramp-a-eene!!!  That make any sense mom?

Me:  Sure, that makes sense.

DGY: Will you walk me to the tramp-a-eene when we get home.

Me: Sure

not really sure why I have to walk him to it every day, he then tells me to go back to the house.

He takes his snack and water out there everyday after school / work and jumps for a good 30 min.  Then eats dinner and sleeps like a baby.  The first day we had it, we had set it up after work and it was almost dark when we finished, he wanted to jump so badly and we let him but only for about 10 minutes.  He was a screaming disaster when we pulled him off.  He's much better about it now that he's had it for a few days.

Here are some pictures from the work week:

this pretty much is what the area outside my office looked like the whole week.

He always wants to modify everything, can't leave it as is.  Also a gross misuse of office supplies!
Greyson did very well at the dentist, had some of his molars sealed, which is not pleasant.  They're good with kids but he would only let them do 3 sides.  As a treat we when over to Other Mommy's and Britain's house to see them in the afternoon.  They had a regular party going on, Shari was watching Britain's friend from school and also Nate his step brother.  So that's 4 boys  one 3 1/2, 4 1/2, almost 4 and a 5 year old.  They played very well together.  Funniest thing that happened- Greyson came running out of the bathroom and said in a VERY concerned tone,

GDY:  Shari Spider Man is in the toilet! 

I just about died laughing, she couldn't even keep a straight face while she investigated the situation and interrogated the kids involved.  Greyson keep saying really loudly, " I didn't do that!"

He's really growing up, you can tell his communications skills are evolving.  Even if you couldn't hear what he was saying you would have been able to tell EVERYTHING by his motions and body language.  Also, while at the dentist, he was making them laugh, even though he was upset and almost crying when he would take his water cup from them he would make a little happy quick "Humm" sound like a thank you almost since he wasn't able to talk without crying.  And my favorite example lately and very often when he's excited to get to do something or happy about something that he heard he says almost under his breath, "woo hoo!"  It's super cute and really reminds me how grown up he is.

I know right around the corner we're going to have other grown up things like sleep overs, "Mom stop embarassing me" statements and sarcasm to deal with / enjoy.  So until then I'll enjoy his little, 'woo hoo's'.

No new baby news yet from Andy and Jasmine.  Tomorrow is my birthday I wonder if she will have her/ him on it.  That would be nice, I can share.  I'm turning 36 WOW when did that happen !!

~Greyson's Mom

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